To ensure we are making the change we wish to see, we strive to formulate more well-informed policies and more effective initiatives through knowledge sharing and rigorous research.
knowledge matters
Established by Khazanah and funded by Hasanah, the Khazanah Research Institute (KRI) is a flagship research think tank that undertakes analyses and research on the pressing issues of the nation.
Through data-driven research, actionable policy recommendations are provided to improve the well-being of the general population. KRI also conducts Brown Bag seminars which provide a platform for experts, researchers and stakeholders to share and discuss research findings.
In 2018, KRI organised four sharing sessions and seminars. It also released two research reports and 13 website publications. Full details are available at www.KRInstitute.org.

Malaysian Income Distribution in a Global Context
A seminar hosted by Khazanah Nasional Berhad and KRI at Mercu UEM

In Conversation with Ravi and Jomo
A sharing session with Prof Ravi Kanbur and Prof Jomo Kwame Sundaram at Mercu UEM

Making Housing Affordable: Developers or Government to Play a Bigger Role?
A dialogue session held in conjunction with the Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

Resource Misallocation and Productivity Gaps in Malaysia
A Brown Bag seminar by Dr Chuah Lay Lian from the World Bank’s Development Research Group hub in Kuala Lumpur at Mercu UEM

The State of Households 2018: Different Realities
This is the third instalLment to the flagship ‘The State of Households’ report. The first report was published in November 2014.
The 2018 report looks at the different realities of households and the changing nature of the workforce, focusing on women and foreign workers. It also looks at how the welfare of all households in Malaysia is ultimately tied to the overall economic transformation of the country.
While the report explores multiple perspectives relating to the well-being of households, a central observation is that not all households share the same experience as everyone lives in different realities.

The School - to - work transition of young malaysians
This report examines the difficulties young Malaysian men and women encounter in their transition from school-to-work. The survey asked respondents what they want out of life and work, how the education and training systems are equipping them for employability and how they are faring in their job search and working conditions.
The survey also reveals mismatches and popular misperceptions about the relationship between the supply of and demand for young people in the labour market and identifies features of the labour market urging policy interventions.
The findings of the survey matter to the nation’s aspiration as it is the human capital of young Malaysians that will determine Malaysia’s advancement into high-income status.